Reply Here If You Have Missing Activities

:warning: :point_down: PLEASE READ THIS :point_down: :warning:


  • YOU MUST include a link to your profile page in your reply, I don’t have time to search for you in the site
  • Only running/walking/hiking type activities are brought into CityStrides, so if your activity is not categorized this way it will not arrive in CityStrides
  • Replies on this topic are automatically deleted … I don’t always reply in the thread, but I do always look into issues reported here
  • Visit your Settings page to ensure that the connection is not paused
  • Revoking access from your tracking service will result in all of your data in CityStrides being deleted - it is never the solution to any issue you’re experiencing … do not revoke access unless you want to leave CityStrides


For non-Garmin accounts: please use the Sync Now menu option in the top right menu before posting here. That will start a sync for your account (except for Garmin accounts; I cannot re-sync Garmin accounts).

There is a single activity sync feature in your Settings page. If you’re missing a single activity, you can try using this to sync it in.
That said, you should not have to rely on continuously using the single activity sync. One time? Sure, computers were a mistake. :laughing: Every time you save a new activity? No way, ask about it here.

Garmin users

Garmin added a limitation to their API that breaks re-syncing activities. They only allow activities to be requested once. When you first sign up to CityStrides, I request your full history of activities - none of those activities can be re-requested, so do not delete old activities from CityStrides.

They have an additional limitation of not returning activities older than 5 years from the date you connected to CityStrides. You can read more about that in Where are my older Garmin activities?

Please see How to edit a run from Garmin if that’s what you’re looking to accomplish.

I’d suggest, before posting here, you try the single activity sync feature in the Settings page. If that displays an error about a duplicate request, then post here with a link to your CityStrides profile and the date of the missing activity.

MapMyFitness users

It’s rare, but CityStrides can lose access to your MapMyFitness account. If you are missing activities, you can take these steps once (single log out/in is enough, multiple log out/in does nothing more):

  • Log out of CityStrides
  • Log back into CityStrides
  • Visit your Settings page to ensure that the MapMyFitness connection is not paused (it is automatically paused if the connection is lost, so I strongly suggest you do this even if you don’t think you have to)
  • Use Sync Now in the top right menu (if you’re not a subscriber, share your CityStrides profile link in a reply here and I will run that sync for you)

Strava Users

The Strava API has 15 minute and daily limits. I reserve some of the allowed API requests for Supporters. If your activity does not immediately arrive in CityStrides, check again after the next quarter hour. You probably shouldn’t have to wait more than 2 or 3 rounds of the 15-minute limit.
However starting on August 24, there have been a lot of new signups. This has caused CityStrides to repeatedly reach Strava’s limits. As of right now, there are ~100k activities in the queue which I’d guess is about an 18 hour delay. The system isn’t exactly first-in-first-out, though, and Supporters are favored, so I’d expect actual time in queue to vary.


Show of hands…how many of you are checking your account several times a day to see if you’re missing activities haven’t appeared yet? :wink: :raised_back_of_hand:


I’m also missing old runs from MapMyRun. Haven’t used CityStrides for a long time. Sync was paused. I’ve resumed it yesterday, but only a new run from today showed up. Everything from 2023-08 until yesterday is missing.
Link to my profile


I am new here, I have joined on 31st January, connected my Garmin account.
Link to my profile: Agnes N - CityStrides

I’d like to ask how long does it take for my full history to sync? Right now I’m only seeing my activities starting from January 1st, except for two, which I have queued manually. New activities are added automatically, but I haven’t seen any progress in syncing the history for a few days. I understand it can take a while, don’t want to be impatient, I’d like to just query if this is normal or not.

Thank you!

3 posts were split to a new topic: Activity present in CityStrides but not in LifeMap

Missing activities not sure why . Thank you

Hi James,

My profile is Wendy Armstrong - CityStrides

It looks like I haven’t been syncing since late January. I have done the obvious, like syncing and logging in and out of MayMyFitness, but that hasn’t worked. I have also checked my settings, and MapMyFitness is not paused.

Any help would be much appreciated!



Missing a walk from yesterday.