Map background change?

Agreed! I also use satellite view to check on where I can pass through vs where is truly blocked and at this resolution, I can’t determine that.


+1 on the thanks to @JamesChevalier for listening to all our comments and concerns and wanting this to still work well for the community. Especially, with our various and sometimes conflicting wants/needs :rofl:


Yeah, Mapbox has some seriously high quality satellite imagery.

Every 4-6 weeks, based on their documentation.


You won’t miss the airport if you get it to do an airport run with a 5k on the runway: JKF International Airport Rotary Club :slight_smile: It makes for a fun race on the actual runway with a real 747 at the mid-way point.


Thanks for adding mass transit in NYC. Can you have it for wider out imagery, ie at the 3000 foot map reading level? If it is only for zoomed in, it makes it hard to route plan when I’m looking at the big picture of what I need to do and where I need to go.

Also, if I updated Mapbox and not OSM with bad/inaccesible streets, does anyone know if Mapbox reported it to OSM or just kept it to themselves? I didn’t realize they were different entities (my bad) and only reported to Mapbox, which is now no more :frowning:

Oh I have heard of that runway race! I did run a mile inside Dallas/Forth Worth Airport to get my streak mile in. I am kicking myself for not using gps lol

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It is better than it was but far from ideal.

These show one of the “dreaded” complete maze of streets in a housing estate. On my phone was vey hard to distinguish the “streets” with the connection footpaths.

Look how it is shown in native OSM. The footpaths are “lost” as very thin and in a different colour.

Also the aerial maps are pretty much useless for the UK as clearly rather low resolution. Here is how it looks.

PS with these “grey” lines we seem to be excluding some “trunk roads” in built up areas that provide streetlights and fairly wide pavements/sideways both sides. In fact the sort of road I am far more likely to run on than most side streets and dead ends if not for here!

e.g. Google Maps which is the “East Street” on Clayton Road - CityStrides

I recall streetferret get round this by including trunk roads if they have a pavement/sidewalk. Unfortunately this does not seem to and foot access is “Unspecified” but is that access to the actual road part of it as opposed to the pavement?

East Street doesn’t appear to be in CityStrides, so this being grey seems to line up with expectations. I’ve confirmed that the CityStrides query ignores trunk roads as well.

The design of the map view has nothing to do with the data available in CityStrides; they’re two completely separate things. If the recent design change is bringing up the idea of including some trunk roads in CityStrides, then that’s probably best as a new post in #ideas

Probably only noticing it as if I ran “East Street” first I would pick up the end nodes of all sorts of side streets which mostly would be its nodes anyway. One to run anyway as otherwise my life map looks white and almost if I “cheated” :slight_smile:

Regarding that East St, not to lose the topic idea. Could access=trunk or expressway=yes be allowed if they have a specific tag added or below a certain speed limit?

Definitely should go into the idea bucket

I guess it depends on a principle that should a street “count” if the only viable/safe way to run it is on a parallel sidewalk/pavement (or similar) to the actual road part?

Mostly I run in the road on side streets as our pavements in the UK are increasingly uneven trip hazards and besides it avoids dodging walkers obviously going somewhat slower.

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Here in the states, expressways (displayed in orange on old maps) are typically posted “no pedestrians”. Trunk roads (displayed in yellow on old map) are not posted and I have been running them even though I don’t get credit. Now, with the color change to gray, we cannot differentiate between the two roads types. :slightly_frowning_face:

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Not the main point of this thread, but for @missiejacobson there’s a nice long run you can do that loops the MSP airport. Probably about 12 miles for the shortest version of it.

Screen Shot 2022-02-08 at 10.10.09 AM


So we are back with MapBox ?

Have to say hooray.

Lot clearer maps
High resolutions maps wherever I ran normally of late - UK or Portugal.

If price is an issue, happy to consider say an annual subscription that works out a bit more than I pay on an ad-hoc basis monthly at the moment until it runs out.

Would much rather pay more for these maps than less for the ones you had been trying which were very unsatisfactory for me both when running and after.

Mapbox Community came through in a big way with a sponsorship - some details in Updates on February 8, 2022 (Release 498) … I’ll be adding more recognition to the site soon.