Once upon a time I used to have to use different browsers on desktop: Nowadays I have zero issues using Firefox or Chrome. The web app is entirely working for me, although it takes a while to load all the data, normally. I don’t even touch Safari anymore, but am testing for you now… It’s having a hard time. I can’t get Safari to show my map. It shows Nodehunter nodes though.
I don’t know if it’s relevant, yet, but I do notice that you have the strange X-ed out square off the cost of Africa in your LifeMap that I found in LifeMap is blank - #6 by JamesChevalier … It looks a bit like this:
I decided to look into it a bit more, while I’m waiting for this mountain of background jobs to finish and I figured it out
Strava sends (or at least sent) treadmill runs (or potentially just Garmin-tracked treadmill runs) with a timeseries data that looks like a GPS track but definitely is not. My code was naively accepting that, thinking “if you’re sending me this data it must be the data that I wanted”
Narrator: it was not the data that he wanted
The fix turned out to be super simple. I just check for an array of latitude/longitude data, and if it isn’t there I exit early (saving the Activity, without the map data - just like a treadmill run).
The big now is how do I delete all the coordinate data for activities that have this bad data? It’s fairly difficult because the table that holds all this data is almost 1TB in size … so …
We’ll see!
So it must be that there’s too much data being displayed on the map for your device(s). That’s a bummer, I was really hoping it was the strange X activities.
Well, I am researching better ways to display all this data - so hopefully I can eventually get this fixed up. Sorry!
Don’t be sorry, it’s a huge project.
What if you only gave the option for displaying per-city maps? Or sections of lifemaps? I don’t think the data is organized that way, but loading my ENTIRE map is what the issue is; typically (especially on mobile) I only need to see the area roughly around where I am.
I mean, for my use-case, I’d use the mobile heatmap feature to figure out which roads were undone.
New user here…after Synching all of my Strava activities, they are not showing up on the Lifemap. The first 20 or so activities that uploaded showed up on the map, but after all Strava activities uploaded, there was nothing on the map. I’ve tried different browsers on mobile and desktop, but still blank. Please help!
How long have you waited? I sometimes need to wait hours until my run show up, I think it is because processing takes a while (currently the Activity Processing Delay: is about 4 hours, you can check it in the menu) and there is some cache in the system as well.
The issue was that treadmill activities were imported into CityStrides incorrectly. The latitude/longitude coordinates were set to 1,1 or 0,0 or 1,0 or 0,1. This made it impossible for some browsers to render. Sorry, browsers!
First, I fixed it so that the issue couldn’t occur for new activities.
Then, I went back and cleaned up all the old activities with these bad markers.
Everyone’s LifeMap should work properly now.
I think there is still an ongoing issue with people who run too much. Some people have so many activities, that the browser just can’t handle displaying all that data. The fix for this is being worked on now - you can read about it in Beta: LifeMap performance and you can use it today if you’re a subscriber. If you’d like to discuss this new beta, please do so over in that thread.
I got the same issue. Since becoming a Supporter it isnt working. The data downloading from Strava is going good but no Lifemap adjustments
(I tried IE, chrome and Firefox)
Your LifeMap displays fine for me. I do generate two versions, though, a public & private version. Maybe the private version is broken. I’ve started the job that builds your tile data, so let’s see how that helps. This could take a few minutes or up to a half hour, depending on how many activities you have.
Maybe got a new issue, my run of the 26th didn’t sync at all? (as far as I can see in Status there is no holdup)
Gonna run this afternoon again to see if it is something with new runs that aren’t syncing