Activity not showing on LifeMap

Alright, cool - confirmed that the rebuild sorted it out for you.

I expect everyone’s next activity to fully fix their LifeMap, but by all means - if you’re here and want it fixed now, just post your profile link.


Juanlo Ord - CityStrides . Hello, I have the same issue, no update In the LifeMap from 21st. Thanks In advance.

Awesome James! That was quick. Thanks again!

My last 2 acitivities are also not shown on the LifeMap.

Hi, my activiteiten does also not show up on the lifemap. Help woud be very much appreciatie.

3 posts were split to a new topic: “a problem repeatedly occured” error on LifeMap

My run from Jan 22, 2022 isn’t showing up on my LifeMap. I’ve tried several browsers with cleared cache.

Would love to have my runs also show up on maps of individual cities.


Also my lifemap is not updated in the last few days, on Sunday (23 january) I made a new route out of town but it is not visible on lifemap. This evening I run again and I add my activity on Citystrides but I don’t see any change.

Thanks for all the work! :slight_smile:

Sorry, now it’s all ok! It was maybe loading my new lifemap when I wrote previous message :wink:
Thank you again!

Mine doesn’t update either… Cleaned the cache also :frowning:

Thanks for adding your profile link! That should be fixed up in ~15mins or so.

(Reminder for anyone posting in the future, please include a link to your profile. If you don’t do this, I have to search for you.)

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Edit: Magically working now. Yay!

Thanks for getting my run mapped!

Thanks for creating and maintaining such a great program! Unfortunately after the last update I’ve had the same issue with my lifemap despite clearing the browser cache. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

Looks like I’m having the same issue with missing runs. I was hoping today’s run would clear things out but no.

I too have missing activities from my life map that still show in my profile.

I miss some activities too in my life map. Nameless Runner - CityStrides

My LifeMap has been blank for the past week or so. I’ve had a couple runs in the timespan. I can see other’s lifemaps, but mine won’t load, even on different devices.

working now!

Lifemap still blank on mine for browser - chrome windows 10 -
Activities are still syncing and streets progressing though.