Total miles in a city idea

As I’m getting closer to the “edges” of my city, I have been wondering what I’m going to do about this very thing.

Johnson Road is not too bad… It should end at Pearson to the east, but doesn’t.

But I’m dreading North Tarrant Parkway. It should “end” at S. Main / Denton Hwy. My city, Keller, is east of S. Main / Denton Hwy.

Should these situations be fixed in OSM, for posterity and future Striders?

Thanks, Eric

That the nodes of the street extends beyond the city border in CS is a bug that was identified after the global update which will be fixed when the OSM data is updated in the future.

As to how this affects the overlapping cities issue, I don’t know.

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Personally, my running routes are (generally) staying within the city boundaries until I run out of streets to run. Then I’ll extend past them.

So I’m in a race with City Strides. Will I complete all the streets in the city before City Strides updates the database? The nice thing is that there is no loser. I’m still running, and I’m staying healthy.



If this idea happens, then maybe this one could too: Display length of streets on city page

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As an aside, many cities and counties have their planning / surveying department measure the total distance of streets, roads, etc within their city/county boundary. That wouldn’t help CS but wanted to get that information out their in case folks want to know that number right away. It may take some digging through your city/county government website to find. You may also find your city/county have some really cool maps and other resources.

The information that the cities have is questionable. We’ve been looking at that data at my job in order to come up with a more equitable revenue sharing formula. It turns out there’s little data checking done by the cities.

This only was noticed when we noticed that roads are claimed by multiple jurisdictions, when the total lane miles was substantially less than twice the total length of the roads, etc.

The theory is good. But in practice?

Is it possible via the Openstreetmap API to get the total distance of all the streets in a given city? I think this would be a useful thing to see but don’t currently see it. I am currently working on three cities, and they have similar numbers of streets but I suspect the distances involved are very different.

Believe so. See How many kms does my city have? thread.

Also some discussion in Total miles in a city idea

So in case anyone (in this thread) missed it, this information is now on each city page. Don’t know when it showed up, but I bet it’s in the Announcements - CityStrides Community forum.

Now it would be cool to see how many actual miles it took to complete a city.


A post was split to a new topic: Efficiency Score based on miles in a city & miles run