I was thinking it would be cool to get some finisher stats when you complete a city.
things like
total KM in city
start from first node till last
ranking among active striders
open to additionnel ideas
what do you guys think?
I was thinking it would be cool to get some finisher stats when you complete a city.
things like
total KM in city
start from first node till last
ranking among active striders
open to additionnel ideas
what do you guys think?
Cool idea. I like it.
As long as KMs, or miles, are being tallied, total number of nodes might be interesting too, especially if not 100% of the nodes were captured.
I’m not sure how it can tally distances. Streets do not exist on this site other than as a collection of nodes with identical names.
@fredrik.coulter Correct me if I’m wrong, but the nodes have GPS coordinates right? And from coordinates distances can be calculated? As I type this, I realize that calculation would probably not be a trivial task, but it could be done.
It does make me wonder how mapping software works (i.e. strings all the coordinates together in a meaningful way).
And if the street in non-continuous? Also, the nodes don’t actually say what the next node in the series is.
Another complication would be which activities to include in calculation. I think most would ideally want the stats to include only the runs they did specifically to complete streets. However what about the other runs that happen in between when you start a city and the day you hit 100%? Ex: if it was raining and you didn’t want to hit the streets so you ran on an indoor track. That track run wouldn’t complete any streets but it’s within city limits and it’s in between your start & end dates. How would you exclude that? Sounds feasible to do for a couple runs but if you’re working on a city for a long period, you’re bound to have a lot of these in between runs you’d want to exclude.
@yannickdebuf in the mean time, if you wanted to get these stats just for your own runs, I’d recommend titling them all with a specific naming convention. Ex: Run Oostende #1, Run Oostende #2, etc. From there you could use some other third party stats aggregators or export all your data into a spreadsheet and filter by your naming convention. I’ve done this across ~220 runs in my primary city and it’s worked out pretty well. If you’d like I can create a short demo video of the tools I use to do it (EDIT: made demo video - CityStrides Stats Example - YouTube)
I hadn’t even thought about the runs that don’t complete the city. At this point, almost every non-completed street in my city is too far to get to on a weekday run. Since not running means not-improving, I still run. But it’s on the same old streets. Everyone of the weekday runs would need to be excluded.
I’m not sure how accurate my watch’s GPS is on an indoor track. It might be better to use an activity that doesn’t use the GPS for those runs. Although I’m not sure how long I could run on a track before I grow crazy. Luckily, that’s not something I’ve had to do. Yet.
(Although I’ve fantasized about running on a cruise ship while it’s in transit from one port to another. That would make for an interesting GPS trace.)
I’d recommend avoiding cruise ships for awhile
However you can live vicariously through Cory Reese
Strava link | Unfortunately not as cool of GPS trace as you would think. It’s funny the activity got flagged though.
Blog post on event | Fast Cory: Running 100 Miles On A Cruise Ship!
It could be a nice supporter perk to get a report when completing a city. This could include:
I’m primarily interested in the first item, but wanted to get the ball rolling as to whether this would be a welcome addition.
I like it - basically what I proposed here: City Progress over time? - #6 by kevincharlespels
yes, it’s a collection of existing ideas that I think would make a nice little ‘trophy’ for completing a city.