LifeMap is blank

Wow, this issue is over a year old!

:tada: And it’s fixed! :tada:

The issue was that treadmill activities were imported into CityStrides incorrectly. The latitude/longitude coordinates were set to 1,1 or 0,0 or 1,0 or 0,1. This made it impossible for some browsers to render. Sorry, browsers!

:heavy_check_mark: First, I fixed it so that the issue couldn’t occur for new activities.
:heavy_check_mark: Then, I went back and cleaned up all the old activities with these bad markers.

Everyone’s LifeMap should work properly now. :rocket:

I think there is still an ongoing issue with people who run too much. :laughing: Some people have so many activities, that the browser just can’t handle displaying all that data. :flushed: The fix for this is being worked on now - you can read about it in Beta: LifeMap performance and you can use it today if you’re a subscriber. If you’d like to discuss this new beta, please do so over in that thread. :+1: