City updates paused?

The two main zones I’ve been running in (& updating rapidly) had CS OSM updates on 16 Oct and 9 Nov. Since then I’ve discovered publicly available GIS resources and frantically updated the OSM for both, and I’m always checking when those updates will be incorporated to CS to see my street count rise. In the meantime I’m relying on the LifeMap to chart new routes that don’t cover old terrain, but I’m expecting a 100+ street ‘bump’ in my overall count at some point when those updates occur…!

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Yes, in the last update I had about 20 manually completed streets automatically change to regular completion.

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@thevandaley Thanks for that!

Looks like Sutton (Oct 7) updated this week, so updates seem to be back on.


Eric - what did you decide to do? I marked my last 11 as manually completed. Half of them don’t even exist at all!!!

@david.krulewich, I’m going to wait a little longer. Just read the update code is running again.

James did not commit that zero-node is fixed, but I’ll wait until the next update to see. If it does not fix my last 10 streets, I’ll finish Keller manually and call it done.

Just wanted to chime in, again, and report that the last update worked perfectly. I am now 100% in Keller, Texas. Kudos to @JamesChevalier

I have a city with the last 2 updates on August 5th and September 15th but I have over 30 cities that have not been updated since August 12th so it seems the update cycle has slowed down a bit or is on hold.
@JamesChevalier: Is it known and necessary?

Anecdotal, but I was keeping a close eye on Somerville MA for some OSM changes I had made, and it was about 7 weeks between updates.

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I did have some stuff going on that required pausing city updates for a bit. That probably pushed some updates back a little.

Overall, these updates are not on a schedule. It’s an ongoing best effort within my operating budget. I would suggest not getting too attached to the frequency/regularity of updates.
I spent some time last week working on the major pain points of these city updates, and was unsuccessful in getting a huge speed improvement via code changes alone. It’s looking like any further improvements to update speed would require throwing more money at my database.


Is there a way to request an update to a city? I’ve made a ton of changes to Marblehead, MA which I’m hoping to 100% before the end of the year and its last update was in September.

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I also have several cities I am waiting to be updated after I have made edits. Some of my cities have updated in the last 10 days but the ones I have made changes to are still pending an update from Sept/Oct.

Not that I know of. Unless @JamesChevalier presses the magic button.

There is this idea though. In this post there’s also the idea for a single street update.


Just curious if there’s an issue with the city updates. They seemed to be updating right around a week apart and now we’re sitting at 15+ days and counting.

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Yeah, I have that paused right now. I’m still working on getting things back to normal after the recent database infrastructure updates.


Ah, that explains it. Started a new city, Tolar, Texas - CityStrides , which hasn’t been updated since 2019-09-10, and I just walked a new section. Was thinking that would trigger the update, but didn’t.

Never mind. Had the city page open and the “all cities” button clicked. City boundary was not overlayed exactly on top of each other.

Have you been able to normalize things to get the city updates going more frequently again?

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Not quite. It runs nightly, processes between 2k-9k cities each night, and causes quite an amount of strain on the database. At this current rate, cities will be updated roughly monthly.

It’s …interesting… to review how much of my infrastructure and effort is tied to this update process, and how much pain it causes overall. It might be time to review the entire setup.


Any chance you could quickly check Praha, Praha - CityStrides? Something doesn’t look right.

It has just updated yesterday. Seemingly, based on the date on the linked page. However, there was no email notification about the update (I am subscribed) and the number of streets has not moved at all. This is strange because in the last month alone, I have edited and created roughly over 100 streets in OSM. Some nested cities have already caught up to my OSM changes, but the parent city has not.

As I’m getting close to complete the city, I have started reviewing the streets, matching OSM with public data from the city, and fixing inconsistencies (surprisingly many!). I have also switched to the Hard Mode at the same time. I have probably done that in the worst time, considering the latest city updates trouble :smiley: