Boundary for city has changed

I know the process is a manual one, I think, and @JamesChevalier needs to kick it off…

But I was wondering if there is a specific/desired procedure to let James know?

The city of Granbury, Texas - CityStrides has incorporated more area for a new subdivision, and roads.

I have made the changes at [OSM].

What is the preferred way to request a boundary update?

Thanks, Eric

PS. I will attempt to update the WiKi with the info… Maybe here Adding a City to OpenStreetMap ?

Thank you!

Hi @JamesChevalier. I just found out that many of the municipalities in my county merged in 2020, including the one that I am running. Some are just one municipality joining another, while others is a merger with new names. In total, the number of municipalities went from 48 to 38. Would it possible to get these updated CityStrides?

List of updates (cities in CityStrides → new OSM relation):

I’ve got these updates going through now … it’ll take some time for borders to update & everything to be reprocessed. These were some big merges! :sweat_smile:


Perfect! Seems to be processed completely now. Thank you very much :slight_smile:

Hi @JamesChevalier the boundary for this city has been updated in OSM

Can this be queued up in CS?


Can the below borders please be updated in CS:

Thank you.

Can you share the links to the CityStrides pages, please? I unfortunately don’t have the time to search them out.

thank you…

Hello @JamesChevalier

I’ve updated the city boundaries for westminster colorado in OSM.


A post was split to a new topic: Discrepancy in city borders

Hi @JamesChevalier, there has been a change done in OSM to the border between Stockholms kommun and Järfälla kommun:

This also affects two of Stockholms nested sub-cities:

So if you could get those borders into CS it would be great. As it is right now some of the streets affected are a bit strange, show up as incomplete in the list, but won’t show any red nodes in Node hunter, I assume this is because of the wrong border

I’m struggling to see the difference in borders between OSM & CityStrides, but that’s largely inconsequential (I don’t need to see it exist for it to exist).

I queued up a border update for each of the cities.
City borders get automatically updated once every 30 days, so you should see these updates automatically flow into CityStrides.

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Yes, it was a very small change, the boundary was moved a couple of meters north in a few places, causing small parts of three streets to suddenly appear in Stockholm instead of Järfälla, e.g. see the screen shot, the red nodes now belong to Stockholm, even if they look like they are in Järfälla according to the (old) boundary line.

Not quite sure what you mean with “City borders get automatically updated once every 30 days”? Do you mean these boundaries would have been updated anyway (without any action from me or you) within 30 days? Or that your queueing now will have effect and be visible within 30 days?

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Well :grimacing: I built a check into the city update process that I intended to cause a border update every 30 days. I usually review code when people ask questions like this, because I don’t trust myself :laughing: and that turned out to be very helpful … That bit of code was trash and wrong, resulting in no border updates ever happening.

But, yeah, once I actually get that sorted out, my intention is that borders are automatically updated ~monthly without any manual intervention.


Hello, I am relatively new to CityStrides and was wondering if Playa Del Rey, California can be considered its own town? It’s located within the city of Los Angeles but I am hoping to work to complete Playa Del Rey and surrounding areas (Westchester, Playa Vista, El Segundo). Thank you for any advice

You’re a few months too late! Neighborhoods in the City of Los Angeles (like Playa del Rey) used to be in CityStrides as nested neighborhoods, but months ago they were removed from OpenStreetMap, which provides the data for CityStrides, hence they were removed from CityStrides.

Here’s the discussion from a few months ago.

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hello @JamesChevalier

Today I learned about an annexation to my city that happened in 2012. I just updated OSM, and I’m off to go run those streets right now (:

Hello @JamesChevalier
The city borders in my area in Washington has changed. The OSM was updated last month. Looks like a few were split and renamed also.
Seattle Hill-Silver Firs, Washington - CityStrides has been changed into 2 different census boundaries in OSM now. They are named “Silver firs” and “Eastmont” in OSM.

I’ll update the city in place to be Silver Firs and put Eastmont on the missing city list