Activity not showing on LifeMap

Hi, I seem to have the same issue: my last 3 activities are not showing on my lifemap.

Thank you for the support

It happened again to me: my latest activity is now showing on the lifemap.

This is the activity: Davide's activity on January 30, 2022 - CityStrides

And this is the map: Davide's Map View - CityStrides


Hello James,

Iā€™m new to CityStrides and my activities seem to appear in my proflie but only a select number show in the LifeMap. I sync to MapMyRun last night - not sure if simply allowing more time is required (?).

My user number is 46535, proflie link: Patrick Erwin - CityStrides.

I attempted the log-out/log-in as indicate for MapMy users. No dice.

Thanks for your time and the super cool service you provide!



The map hasnā€™t been updating for a few days - the activities and streets ticked off are all listed, itā€™s just the map thatā€™s not updating.


Hi @JamesChevalier I just noticed that my activity from 25/1 never made it to my lifemap. Would it be possible to have a look? This is the activity: Just_one_more_street's activity on January 25, 2022 - CityStrides

It is happening to me again too, this activity is not showing on my map:

I think I see the issue - I think itā€™s getting through the job that creates the LifeMap before it gets through the job that sets some required data on the activity.
If this happens again (I kind of expect it to, but itā€™s very difficult to say when because - if Iā€™m right - itā€™s tied to the state of the background queues at the time your sync happens), I want to observe whether your next activity resolves the issue for the missing activity (with, again, the possibility that the next activity fails to appear in your LifeMap).
If that works out how I expect, then Iā€™ve pinpointed the issue & can finalize that fix.

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Thanks James! I will come back once I have logged some more activities and check if the appear or not.

I logged a new activity tonight ( Davide's activity on February 10, 2022 - CityStrides ), and it appeared on the life map almost immediately!

Hi James, it looks like this activity is failing to show up on my map as well: Jonā€™s activity on February 10, 2022 - CityStrides

Thanks for reporting. Letā€™s see if your next saved activity sorts that one out.

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Oh :man_facepalming: I can just manually run a sync to test this theory :grimacing:
Thatā€™s running now, so let me know if the activity appears on your LifeMap in a little bit

My profile: Luma ZamarreƱo - CityStrides.
I just realised I have a ā€œholeā€ in my lifeMap for activity in date 2021-06-10 (15.0 km Run Activity on June 10, 2021 by Luma Z. on Strava).
But it is taken into account for calculating the coverage, if I look for red nodes I only see one in the area (see image).
Iā€™ve tried to sync as single activity without success.
The activity exists in CityStrides. It is Luma ZamarreƱo's activity on June 10, 2021 - CityStrides

Problem has been fixed after my last sync.

I had two separate activities on July 5th. The first one (Jason Rossman's activity on July 5, 2022 - CityStrides) was normal. The second one (Jason Rossman's activity on July 5, 2022 - CityStrides) has not appeared on my LifeMap as of this writing. Can you please take a look, @JamesChevalier ?

Iā€™m having an issue with this activity not showing up in my Lifemap: Philip H's activity on May 13, 2023 - CityStrides

(another run since that one shows up, but that one does not^)

Edit: seems to be fixed now.