Updating vs Sync

A quick question to best understand how to manage my routes. I have a few routes on Strava that have big GPS errors (a straight line that shoots off 3 miles, as an example). I can edit those in Strava by cropping and resaving. But once a route has already been fed to CityStrides, what is the best process to update the route on CS?

I suspect syncing will do it, but can’t seem to make it happen. Do I need to delete the activity on CS first?

And generally, my new routes get updated without any effort on a daily basis, which is awesome, so I’d love clarity on when to use sync in my overall process.

Thanks in advance!

Yeah, you delete the activity in CityStrides via the three-dot vertical menu on its page, and then run a sync for your account (Supporters have access to a "Sync Now’ feature, otherwise just ask here and I’ll sync when I get a chance) … or do a single activity sync from the Activity Trackers section of your Settings page.

There are other services that don’t have an edit-in-place feature … so the result is that a totally new activity gets created. In those cases, that new activity will just sync in as expected … you’ll just want to delete the old one in CityStrides.

Thanks James