Update Credit Card

Hi @JamesChevalier,
Received an email letting me know that my credit card is expiring this month - which it is.
The email links me to CityStrides in order to Update my card information.

Problem is - there’s nowhere to do this - as far as I can see. I can either make a one time contribution, or cancel my current subscription (“at the end of cycle”).

I checked my Settings page too, just in case - and I’ve got a link there to ‘cancel your subscription (at the end of the current month)’ as well, but nowhere to update.

Am I right in assuming I need to cancel my subscription, and then start a new subscription next month? Is there something I am missing?
If it’s possible to simply ‘update’ my card details (which should be possible using Stripe), that would certainly be easier.

If not, could I suggest simplifying the process, or even a better piece of explanatory text on the Subscription page letting me know what I need to do to update my card?

Thank you!

Ugh, I’m sorry!

I just rewrote that subscription page/process, and I didn’t build the “update card” process.

I’ll have this added by the end of the week.


Typical - as a web dev, I understand exactly how that can happen - and it’s always the first thing someone notices/requests!
All good - I’ll give you until the end of the month! :grin:


Ugh, I’m sorry - I missed the deadline for your card switch over!
It’s coming soon, but in the meantime you can cancel your subscription and then re-subscribe.

Sorry for the hassle!!

Actually, I gave you until the end of the month… and it’s now there on my Settings page (looks like you left it in, in the new design!) - and it looks like it updated fine!
Now to see what happens next time Stripe tries to re-process :slight_smile:

By the way - the settings page in the new layout is a little off. The fitness app icons are stretched/squashed badly and all in all the formatting of this screen could probably use a little cleanup.