Turn-by-turn prompts missing specifically for cul-de-sacs

:link: My profile link : wilberfan - CityStrides

Sometime in the last couple of weeks my planned-on-Citystrides-and-run-on-my-Garmin-watch have failed to indicate when I should turn into (and then back out of) a cul-de-sac.

Most recently this route: Sign In - CityStrides

It looks like the directions are there, but for whatever reason the prompts aren’t firing. The attached .jpg indicates all of the (missing) prompts to turn into those streets.

I suspect it’s a Garmin issue–but I thought I’d start here and see if anything changed on this end in the last month or so that might be contributing to this?

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Can you share your Garmin route? (you will have to make it public to do so)

Your route link doesn’t work, but I would be more interested to see what is going on with the Garmin side instead. I have not had any issues with my runs this week with cul-de-sacs, other than the typical, where sometimes Garmin doesn’t tell you how far it is to the turn around, but rather just tells you how far it is to the turn exiting the cul-de-sac. I do find though that I can fix those by not just clicking on the end of the cul-de-sac, instead clicking on a point prior to the turn around, the turn around itself, and then a point after. That seems to make Garmin handle them correctly for me.

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I’ve been wondering if how/where I’m clicking to create the route might be contributing to this problem–but I haven’t changed how I do that. (I typically click on the end (turnaround) for each cul-de-sac.). Here’s a link to the Garmin route: Garmin Connect

[edit] I changed the settings on the original CityStrides route, if you wanna look at it for any reason. Sign In - CityStrides

OK. I actually don’t see any issues with the Garmin route. It is properly setup for turn notifications. The only thing I can think of is that it is created as a hike, rather than a run. I always create mine as runs when I import them into Garmin Connect.

This topic piqued my curiosity.

New owner of a Garmin 965, and did my first course the other day, as a hike. It worked fine, with a cul-de-sac (but it was a very long cds).

I created the course within Garmin. Is that what most people do, or is there another way?

Also, I was surprised that Garmin only creates courses for hikes and runs, not walks, and was wondering why. I did pose this question in the Garmin forums, but have no replies.

Thank you in advance for any insight.

The first day I noticed that the cul-de-sacs were getting ‘skipped’, I created an add’l route, via my phone, on the Garmin Connect website. It skipped the cul-de-sacs there too… I got no response when I posted in the Garmin watch forum on Reddit, I should try something on the Garmin forum.

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