Streets not counted. Missing city in Citystrides

The following is the link to todays activity. The streets were added to my lifemap but they were not added to my completed or progressed street total for that activity. They are in the city of Lower Macungie Township, PA. However that city seems to be s missing city in Citystrides. Neighboring cities; Upper Macungie and Macungie are included cities in Citystrides and are working fine. It seems to me that any street in that city won’t be counted unless it’s added. Is it possible that open streets is not recognizing it properly.

The following is the link to yesterday’s activity. The streets were added to my lifemap but the ones in mile 2,3 and 4 were not added to my completed or progressed street total for that activity. They are in the city of Weisenberg Township, PA. However that city seems to be missing city in Citystrides. Neighboring city, Upper Macungie twp is an included city in Citystrides and portions of yesterday’s activity were in that city and are being credited in that city correctly. . Is it possible that open streets is not recognizing it properly.

ok ok ok I see your posts

Weisenberg Township, PA isn’t in CityStrides (yet) so there aren’t any streets to complete (yet)
It looks like it does exist in OSM Relation: ‪Weisenberg Township‬ (‪9425832‬) | OpenStreetMap so it can be imported into CityStrides

I’ve added it to the missing city tracker so it’ll come into CityStrides during my next batch of imports

Thank you James. Weisenbergs’s been in there for a few weeks now. Been attacking and tracking since. City Strides is the BEST! It totally changed my running approach, perhaps to an obsessive level.

“You can’t manage what you can’t measure” - Peter Drucker.

City Strides makes it both manageable and measurable. Keep up the great work!