Street completion issue with paused activity

I recently went for a run, paused my Garmin to take a tram, then resumed my run. When I checked my activity on CityStrides, I noticed that a street was marked as completed, even though I was on the tram at the time.

Is there a way to prevent this from happening without splitting my activity into two separate ones? I’d prefer to keep it as a single activity, as it feels like one continuous workout to me.

My code takes your full activity path, which includes the space traveled between the pausing, and collects all street data that’s nearby. The gap between the pause start/stop counts as part of your activity because there’s nothing special about it, just more distance between two coordinates.

I’ll try to find some time to play with things to see if I can e.g. split an activity at points where the distance between two points is larger than :person_shrugging: one mile :person_shrugging: without it affecting performance. I can’t guarantee if/when I’ll accomplish this, though.

This was changed some time ago. Before that these ”paused segments” did not count when they passed nodes. I preferred that… but now I never pause and restart, since that sometimes will complete nodes that should not be completed