Reset completed streets for a city?

I’m back to CityStrides after a couple of years of not paying much attention to it, and I’d like to set a goal for 2025 for running every street in my city. Alas, my stats already have most of them completed, so I don’t think I have a way to start fresh. Is there a way to set my counter to zero on Jan 1, 2025?

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Create yourself a challenge starting on 1 Jan and running for the year. You can make it private or public (if you want others to be able to sign up for it).

The challenge stats will just count what you run (or walk) from the start date you set. And when you click onto the challenge, it will show you a map that just shows what you’ve run (or walked) since the start of the challenge.

You’ll need to be a supporter, though. I think this feature is only available to supporters.


Thanks, challenges seem to be new since I left. It looks like this mostly fits the bill!

Do you know of a way to see which streets have been completed for a specific challenge for a given activity? I just did a run, completed eight streets in my challenge, but the activity shows 0 streets completed and 0 streets partially completed, because I’d already completed all of these streets before the challenge started.

I think this is a timing issue, check again tomorrow

I’m not sure that you can see this on an activity by activity basis. Those stats refer to overall CS progress.

But if you click into a challenge, you will see a map of what you’ve run during the challenge period, plus a cumulative list (by name) of the streets completed and the streets not yet completed during the challenge period.

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You’re right Liz, I didn’t read the question correctly. When looking at a specific activity, this would mean you would have two different sets of numbers. Those for this specific challenge and those for your overall progress. Which is not possible to show simultaneously

I’ve experienced something over the last couple of days that might be relevant to what Brad has described.

Contributing to this discussion inspired me to set up a private challenge for the year for my top level city, not because I want to track what I’ve rewalked (as at 31 December I still had 94.98% left to complete so I have little motivation for rewalking what I’ve already walked), but because I thought it might be cool to have a visual record of what I walk in 2025, separate from my lifemap.

So I did one walk yesterday and another today. Both visually show up on my challenge map but the challenge street total (and list of names) only brings in those I walked today.

Anyone have any ideas of why that might be? I didn’t actually created the challenge until this morning - so after yesterday’s walk - and it occurred to me that might be why yesterday’s streets aren’t included in the total. But that would make more sense as an explanation if yesterday’s walk didn’t show up visually. There is zero chance that yesterday’s completed streets weren’t fully walked. I was credited with 15 streets at the top city level and I was walking in mostly virgin territory. I wasn’t completing streets partially walked before, and the likelihood of every street I walked having a twin-named partner elsewhere that I’ve previously walked (and thus completed yesterday) is nil.