Remove nodes on private property NSW Australia

:link: Слава Україні - CityStrides
North-western nodes are not reachable due to them being on the private propery
Koloona Avenue - CityStrides

On google streetview there is clearly a gate and privacy sign. So i edited the part to private

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Faulkner Rise in Bright is also private property in Australia. I think there will be a lot of these. I’m wondering if you’ve looked at limited delegated authority to mark as “Private” when someone is above a certain percentile perhaps? Love your App. Only just re-discovered it when I deleted a Strava activity :slight_smile:.

I’m pretty sure all changes to access status need to be made in OSM. They don’t happen within CS.

Anyone can create an account in OSM and make changes as they see fit, though there’s always a chance someone else will change things back. As a non-confident user of OSM I found the best approach was to highlight the suggested change and leave a note within OSM so that a more confident and experienced user could actually make the changes. I’ve only ever suggested a couple of (relatively small) changes, but found these were made within a week or so of my suggestion.


All the street data comes from OpenStreetMap.
If something is incorrect in CityStrides, it should be edited in

There’s some helpful info in the wiki inside the forum: Wiki - CityStrides Community

There are also a lot of helpful people if you have questions (or want to ask someone to make the edits for you)… Just share the links to the street(s) in question along with a note on what’s wrong e.g. is the whole thing private or is just a section of it private, that kinda thing.

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