Remove golf paths from CityStrides

Hi @JamesChevalier

Any chance you could remove “Golf Cartpath” from CS streets to complete. I’ve currently got a load of uncompleted roads (not roads…) in the middle of a golf course.

Screenshot 2021-03-30 at 21.29.27

Can you share a link to one of these streets in CityStrides so I can investigate?

One is named ‘Golf Path’.

All the others are just named ‘Path’

They’re on OSM as feature type ‘Golf Carpath’

I just learned you can right click on the OSM map and choose “Query features” to search for the data in that location.

It doesn’t seem harmful for CityStrides to ignore ways tagged golf=cartpath.
It might also be helpful to remove the name tags from these records. I don’t think any of these should be named “Path”.

Grabbing a few examples:

I’ve removed the names from all of these Golf Cartpaths. Will that remove them from CS in the next sync regardless of whether or not you tweek the code to exclude the feature type?

Yeah, that’ll do it. I will add that tag exclusion, though, just in case anyone else decided to name their favorite golf cart paths. :smiley: