Progressed Streets not updating

Might be a user error here but I have run in a plethora of new cities and streets lately that show no new streets progressed or a change in my city county. Am I doing something wrong?

Dane -

I don’t see your CityStrides profile link in your forum profile.

I unfortunately can’t help you, but the first thing @JamesChevalier will need to clarify is what that profile link is.

Go the the CS homepage and provide that URL here to make sure he can look at the right account.

It should read (where the ##### is your unique ID):


It’s been updated and also here here go:

Anything else I need to do?

Sorry, I misunderstood your “It’s been updated” comment to mean that it has been resolved as opposed to the reference of your profile link being added to your forum profile :person_facepalming:

If you visit the Cities page and search for the cities you expected to progress/complete streets in, are they returned in search results?

Can you share some links to activities that you expected to progress/complete streets? Just 1-3 should be usable.

No problem:

It’s possible some of these places are not in any “city” per se recognized by CityStrides. Like I see one of the runs I did was in Bayonet Point, FL but that does not appear to be a city I can search for on the Cities page. (Nor are any of the neighboring cities of Jasmine Lakes or Jasmine Estates.)

Here are some links:

Tried to pick a few in different locales

Oof, yeah, Florida is tough. There’s not a lot mapped in more detail than Pasco County. There are a handful of usable places like Way: ‪Jasmine Estates‬ (‪33612652‬) | OpenStreetMap though.

Then there are absolute :poop: attempts at mapping like Way: ‪Bayonet Point‬ (‪1032827291‬) | OpenStreetMap … if that boundary was properly closed, it could be usable. I think it pairs with Way: ‪Bayonet Point‬ (‪33612618‬) | OpenStreetMap but I don’t have the first clue on how to join those up to make a single usable Way record.
Similarly with Way: ‪Hudson‬ (‪33612650‬) | OpenStreetMap and Way: ‪Hudson‬ (‪1032827290‬) | OpenStreetMap … if those were joined, I’d be able to include those cities.

There are several Way records tagged as boundary = census which I could use, but I can’t automatically bring them in because a few of them are mapped very poorly with significant overlaps with other records.

That area by Sturgeon Lake in Minnesota just isn’t mapped at all. :slightly_frowning_face:

Ok, so that makes sense. Thanks so much.

I’ve combined each into a relation. Seems these were closed ways until someone broke them up (accidentally?) over a year ago.


I don’t understand what is being shown here.

Ward did the work that I mentioned when I said “if that boundary was properly closed, it could be usable”

All the city/street info is sourced from OpenStreetMap, which could be described as “Wikipedia for mapping”

The two Relation links are cities - Hudson and Bayonet Point - that I’ll now be able to add to CityStrides.