LifeMap Poster Preview error

I tried to preview the LifeMap Poster of city Ljubljana, but I get the following error:

There was an error generating your LifeMap Poster Preview
glib: XML parse error: Error domain 1 code 77 on line 1 column 53643752 of data: Premature end of data in tag svg line 1

Can you fix it?

Your account is private, so I can’t view your LifeMap to see if there’s something odd about the data in/around Ljubljana.
I was able to walk through the code that produces the preview in both landscape & portrait, and it ran successfully for your account.

I’m unsure why it failed for you earlier, but works for me now. Can you try again?
In the meantime, I’ll continue looking into it to see if I can spot what went wrong…

I tried it right now and it works. Why it didn’t work last time, I have no idea. Thanks anyway.

I suspect that Something Happened™ in the initial preview attempt, which was cached (the LifeMap generation query is slow, so I cache it so you can more easily flip back and forth between some views), and all the rest of the attempts just returned the same bad data.
I’m doing some work now that will hopefully address some aspects of this…

I’ve been trying to make a poster for Seattle and yesterday and today I consistently get this error message:

" There was an error generating your LifeMap Poster Preview

PG::QueryCanceled: ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function svgdoc(text,text,text,integer,integer,text) line 39 at assignment"

I was able to make a much simpler poster for another city, Ann Arbor.

Oh good, the error message is clear and understandable :sweat_smile:

The underlying issue is that the code that generates the LifeMap Poster is brutal and I have to set a timeout to keep it from slogging away for hours. I was able to make some improvements in my last round of efforts … I’ll do another run through with your account, to see if I can improve things any more.

I’ll let you know when I’ve figured things out. I hope to get to it over the weekend, but I’m not certain - definitely Monday the latest, though.

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Thanks! And no hurry, Seattle isn’t going anywhere :slight_smile:

Any progress on this? I tried it again today and still got the timeout error. Thanks for your work on the site!

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Hello @JamesChevalier! I know a lot is going on but I would love to create my Seattle street map someday so I can frame it. Hope you are able to work on this at some point. I really appreciate it!

I’m looking into a couple instances of this issue over the holiday. I’ll let you know when I’ve figured out more…


Hi @JamesChevalier Happy New Year, I have the same problem here in Sheffield :uk: I’m planning to walk my 6,382 and final street next week - weather, access & publicity dependent.

Error message There was an error generating your LifeMap Poster Preview

PG::QueryCanceled: ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function svgdoc(text,text,text,integer,integer,text) line 39 at assignment
I hope that makes sense to you!
Best regards, Jim

Congratulations on almost completing Sheffield! That’s a lot of streets!

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Thanks Robyn, it’s beer good fun. I don’t know if you know our city, but it’s very hilly with five good sized rivers carving up the hills leaving many steep roads on all sides! The BBC heard about my project and are coming to meet and film me walking the last street - it’s Love Street which is out of easy access as it is within a massive redevelopment building site. It won’t make much of a film as it’s only 50 yards long :joy:


That’s awesome! Share a link in a new post in General when they publish the finished piece.

Also :sweat_smile: I’m still working on this issue. I haven’t forgotten about it.


I’ve got an updated version of the LifeMap Poster preview up now … I don’t know if it will actually fix the issue, but it did perform much better on my local machine.

Would you mind trying it out? Create your LifeMap Poster

// @boris.ivanovic @rcreed @4e2c71bc69f7d92608f3


Thank you so much! But I’m sad to report that it generated a NEW error code for me :frowning:

There was an error generating your LifeMap Poster Preview

glib: XML parse error: fatal error code=2 (1) in (null):1:138679752: Memory allocation failed : Huge input lookup

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This error is much clearer (to me) in that it’s using more memory than is available. I’ll post again after I’ve worked through what I can.

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