Life map ReRun Glitching

I love the animation of my “runs” (I am a walker). And whenever I want to brag about my progress (and how cool this app is that led me there) I show the animation.

However, it probably works 25% of the time.

Is the system glitching? Or me? Is there some cryptic order in which to click about… I feel like I am doing it the same way each time, but I am old, sooooo…

If anyone has had that problem, I’d love to know I am not alone, but even better would be someone who has a solution.


I have not had any issues or reports of problems with LifeMap ReRun.

Does it glitch out partway through playback?
Does it stop partway through?
Does it just not start?
Is something else happening?

I thought I had started the animation from a blank map before, but maybe that is not so.

Does the animation only start if you are already displaying completed runs? I can get it to start every time that way.

I like the idea of seeing an empty map grow over time, and I thought I had seen it that way before.


Oh, yeah, the first step of the ReRun animation is to clear the LifeMap. You don’t need to do that yourself.

Your description helped me see that there is a specific case where it’s broken:

  • Visit your LifeMap
  • Hide your LifeMap
  • Press the ReRun ‘play’ button
    At this point, the ReRun button will not function at all, even if you re-show the LifeMap

I’ve got a workaround ready for the next release (sometime this week). The behavior will change to:

  • Visit your LifeMap
  • Hide your LifeMap
  • Press the ReRun ‘play’ button
    The ReRun button will do nothing
  • Show your LifeMap
  • Press the ReRun ‘play’ button
    The LifeMap animation will run