Is Percentage Complete based on number of streets or distance?

Hey! Does anyone know if the completion % is the % of distance in the city or the percent of streets?

Street progress is percentage of the completed nodes & city progress is percentage of the completed streets. I don’t have mileage data (yet?)…


Oooh. Mileage data was be awesome! That way my friends can’t tease me I’m doing the short streets first. :rofl:


Um, I’m guessing you’re already aware of this problem, but I went from having quite few cities having high percentages completed (including my target of finishing off a big personal milestone of Boulder, CO soon; I was at ~80% and closing in for the kill), to having no cities/streets completed in my record. Hopefully this is just a temporary glitch as you transition to the new database?

Sounds like it might be relevant to Global Coverage Support … Would you mind reading through the pinned post in there, to see if it applies?

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Is there a problem with the sorting of striders in each city? In Brisbane, see attached screen shot.

I’d expect Alan Burrell on 237 streets (1.13%) to be ahead of Ben Bergan on 220 streets (1.36%).

I suspect that the number of streets is actually TOTAL number of all streets across all cities globally, but the % streets complete is ONLY for that city. If so, that’s not what I’d expect and I’d call that a bug… when viewing striders in a city, I’d expect only the number of streets WITHIN that city to be displayed.


The Percentage count is for the city in question - so “Ben” has more of that particular city complete than “Alan”

The Street count is global, so worldwide, “Alan” has run more unique streets than “Ben” has when taking all cities into account.

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