How to delete account? Signed with Coros


I don’t see CityStrides in my Coros app under 3rd party apps so I can’t revoke access?
Appreciate any help :slight_smile:

I think you need to revoke access to Coros within Citystrides, not the other way around.

Hey Liz!
I can only “Pause Syncing” and then “Resume Syncing” from CityStrides. There’s no option to revoke access or disconnect.

Yeah, Coros is wild in some ways … I was kind of hoping it was just my lack of experience with the platform when I noticed I didn’t see a revoke button anywhere in their website.

Have you checked both their website and in their app?
It’s probably not there, and I’ll have to build out the revoke action myself - but I want to double check that you’ve looked in both places.

Hey James, I did look in both places.
There’s and option in the app called 3rd party apps with a bunch of apps but no CityStrides to be found. So no way to revoke it from the app.
The website doesn’t even have that list, it’s only training metrics.