I know your plate is full with the data transfer stuff, but you when things have settled down, could you please let us now a bit about how it will work?
I remember you mentioning in an announcement post that changes made on OSM will change data on this site? I’ve made a few minor edits on OSM since the updates - shortening roads that ran too long, deleting roads that run through people’s homes etc. How do these updates effect the citystrides maps - do they take a while to come through? Does some sort of sync/update need to be run to push the data through?
Excuse my technical ignorance - I’m currently injured and am forced to live vicariously through your website
I don’t have any of the update process built out yet. It’s on the CityStrides Roadmap (updated 2020-04-23) but I don’t have a plan yet, and I’m kinda wiped from this rocky data change. If the overall process ends up being this costly (I’m pretty sure I can handle the data better next time, but if it ends up being the same financial cost) then I may only update CityStrides once per quarter or year. I’m hoping that I can work towards something simpler that I can run monthly.
Fair enough mate. Rest up, I have plenty of new nodes to track down in the interim. Also, I have a new fascination to pour my attention into now - scouring OSM for streets that need fixing up I reckon updates once every 3/4 months would satisfy most citystriders