Hey, I’m trying to unpin Vršovice (nested city within Prague}, but it’s not disappearing from my pinned cities, even after refreshing the page.
Clicking the button sends a request to https://citystrides.com/running_cities/45918582/unpin and gets a 204 back.
I’ve tried with other cities that I have pinned and they all worked fine. Also I’ve unpinned completed cities before and don’t remember any issues.
It looks like I block un-pinning your default city, which can be updated in your Settings page. I just have it early-exit instead of giving any helpful feedback
Gonna piggyback on this topic: Unpinning a city shows no UI indication that it succeeded.
After changing my default city, I was clicking the “pinned” icon, and it was giving me no feedback. Later refreshed and realized it had correctly unpinned.
Thanks for bringing this up - that UX is trash because it only adds/removes the city to the pinned cities list & doesn’t provide any UI indication within the main list of cities (where the actual button is).
The next release is going to wrap that up by making the pin/unpin buttons also update the button icon. In the unpinned state, the pin icon is at an angle & in a pinned state, the pin icon is straight down.