Report issues related to Country/Region/City/Street/Node problems in this category.
When reporting issues, please include links - profile links, activity links, city/street links, whatever is relevant to your message - these links help me A LOT.
Please note that street/node data comes from OpenStreetMap, so most problems are resolved by making the appropriate edits over there. For example - if you see streets in CityStrides that are private, it’s because they’re not tagged as private in OpenStreetMap - they need to be edited over there.
This Google Doc - CityStrides Street Query - contains a full list of road types and the full/explained query that CityStrides uses to import data.
Missing or broken Cities/Regions are being handled in this Google Sheet
If you’re interested in Trails being present CityStrides, you should vote on Add hiking trails
If you have issues/questions that are either private or that you don’t want to share publicly for some reason, please send a message from this link instead of a message here in the forum.