The CS street “Kowhai Spur Road” in Dunedin, New Zealand Kowhai Spur Road - CityStrides has two disjoint parts. Only the larger part is on OSM (and the Overpass query), Way: Kowhai Spur Road (218587884) | OpenStreetMap (last edited 8yr ago). The eastern edge of the smaller part only has private features on OSM, a bridge and a driveway (OpenStreetMap).
This is kind of a bug in CS that happens sometimes when a street name is changed in OSM. The smaller part is now Kofoed Rd, but was named Kowhai earlier (by mistake I guess)
So sometimes the new appears in CS, but the old one remains as well. As you can see this road exists in CS as both Kofoed and Kowhai. Not sure if @JamesChevalier has looked into this bug, or can adjust it manually
Yes, I noticed those two roads overlapped. Useful to see it’s a known issue, thank you. I see from overpass with “[date:“2024-01-30T06:08:52Z”];”, or earlier, that the private bit was then in Kowhai Spur Road. The name was changed in Changeset: 146848746 | OpenStreetMap and the end was made private in Changeset: 146848938 | OpenStreetMap, eight minutes later.
I wonder if I add the private bit back to Kowhai Spur Road in OSM and then remove it, it might trigger the removal the next time CS updates.
I guess CS is updated based on OSM changesets? If so, the possibility of doing a full update of a specific small area would be useful.
Well, I don’t know the inner workings of the OSM-CS import, so I have no idea how it relates to the change sets. On the other hand you can see the query @JamesChevalier uses here: Overpass Street Query
So my guess is that he compares the output of that query with the result from last update, but I might be wrong…
Yes, that’s the query I was adding the “[date …” to see when it changed. For some reason CS is not matching the results of that query, (speculating) perhaps because the changesets both changed the name and the private status so quickly.
You’ve both figured out the name change reasoning, where Way: Kofoed Road (218587883) | OpenStreetMap no longer shares the same name as Way: Kowhai Spur Road (218587884) | OpenStreetMap … this change was done 7 months ago.
What should be happening in the city update is that it should group all of the Way records by name (since OSM has no concept of Street) and it should be removing nodes that do exist in CityStrides but do not exist in OSM (as well as moving any nodes that have had their lat/lon changed, and adding nodes that don’t exist in CityStrides). It seems like this node removal isn’t happening.
All of the city creation/update is based on Overpass queries, going city by city. I’m not using OSM data (their planet file or a collection of extracts) directly. There’s a lag between editing in OSM & that appearing in Overpass, but it’s definitely not 7 months.
Just to add another example: the nodes for the “loop” part of this street should have been removed after I updated the street names. Each of the 3 streets was originally a separate way in OSM.