What about restricted streets with nodes

Update: I can see some of the gates on Google Street View, so added them and made the parts after the gate private. You’ll still need to run up to the gate, unless the gate is within 25m (see: Making them Count) of the road you were on, or if you really want to know you’ve run on everything you can.

Oh, and 5th is really 17th. Fixed that too!

Need to wait for the update to see if I got them all. Oh, about OSM updates and manually completed streets. After a city is updated (in CS), Striders are reprocessed, and if a street is now complete, the “manually updated” will be removed.

PS. Found a street with a missing name, in OSM, so looking at your life map, you have at least one more to run. :grin: Hint: John Stiff looks like a nice park.

Oh, and in that area, by the airport, many “streets” are really “avenues” per the official Amarillo map : ArcGIS Web Application

So fixed that too.