Since I’ve run all the streets within a certain distance from my home, I’m now creating routes to my uncompleted streets alphabetically. Basically, I create a route from my house to the street, and then from the other end of the street back to my house. Then I modify that route to try to knock off some other streets.
Today’s route was to a new(ish) subdevelopment. A street was listed on CityStrides as uncompleted, and the resulting route was the longest route I’ve ever done, just running to the street and back. (Interestingly, it was still a loop because even though the street was short, there were different paths from my house to the beginning and to the ending of the street. At least the route was interesting.)
Except I didn’t get credit for the street. So this very long (for me) run resulted in no completed streets. (Lot’s of progress on some other streets, but no completions.) And I know I ran the street. I even read the street signs as I made my turns.
So, should I be mad at CityStrides? Should I complain? Nope. Turns out the problem isn’t here but at OpenStreetMap. Someone very kindly added the new streets, even though they don’t show up on the satellite photo. The streets are actually more accurate than Google Maps, which doesn’t include the latest addition to the roadways.
But when they added the streets, they didn’t give most of the streets names, and the one they did add was the right name on the wrong street. You guessed it, I ran a street which had no name so I got no credit here for it.
I went to OpenStreetMap and corrected the street name, and added the names for all the streets they left unnamed. I also modified the North route name and the South route name, which means that I completed another street that I didn’t even know about. But not until my city is updated.
Hopefully this will happen soon. I’m hopeful by hearing reports of other cities being updated. But until then, I’ve got two different streets on the first page of the Incomplete list that are just sitting there, taunting me.
Patiently waiting.