Updates on November 3, 2023 (Release 917)

  • :new: Supporters can now show other Striders’ LifeMap on any map by clicking their “Show” button
    • Any list of Striders will include a ‘Show’ button for everyone other than yourself
    • Privacy is still respected, so there might be some weird cases where someone is set to “Per Activity” but then doesn’t have any activities set to public (so they can show up in lists but not show their exact geo data)
  • :new: Supporters can now show/hide all city borders on any map
    • The button is on the left side, and its icon is a globe
  • :hammer_and_wrench: Full rework of LifeMap data format
    • New activities immediately appear on the LifeMap, no waiting for rebuilds
    • This also resolves a bug when saving multiple activities at once / very quickly, where only the last one would appear in the LifeMap
    • Non-Supporters now get access to the faster data format
    • This also resolves a bug where some non-Supporters with lots of activities had a blank LifeMap
  • :hammer_and_wrench: Removed control of pitch and rotation in the map
    • Feedback was that these controls were not helpful and sometimes caused aggravation
  • :new: Added directionality indicators on Routes, and Route Builder
  • :hammer_and_wrench: You can now uncheck a box to hide the city name in your LifeMap Poster
  • :hammer_and_wrench: Improved performance of LifeMap Poster preview creation
    • This can be very slow at times, depending on the number of activities and the city border. My local tests showed the changes were 10x faster, but we’ll see how real world use looks.
  • :hammer_and_wrench: Did a big round of city imports from the Missing/Broken Cities Tracker
    • Going forward, I’m going to leave comments on the city name cell whenever I have any questions or concerns. The single “notes” field is good for a small factual piece of info, but whenever I have questions there’s likely a conversation to be had & that can’t happen in a single field.