Updates on March 25, 2024 (Release 1002)

:hammer_and_wrench: added private indication to activity page … if private (obviously?)
:hammer_and_wrench: ignore weighbridge Way records for city creation & updates
:hammer_and_wrench: slightly expand city update schedule … part of an ongoing effort to get city updates back up to speed
:hammer_and_wrench: rework a large amount of the map-related javascript to make it all easier to handle … this caused a bug that I quickly fixed with zooming/panning the map jumping you around the world
:hammer_and_wrench: simplify code used to produce menus throughout the site … this caused a bug that I quickly fixed with the sign out link not working
:hammer_and_wrench: improved background notification jobs to decrease overall load
:paintbrush: improved alignment in city header
:paintbrush: various SVG additions/improvements
:bug: fix an intermittent issue in creating city border during city creation … probably nothing that anyone noticed, but I did it, so it’s here
:nerd_face: various underlying software updates


What’s the current city update schedule based on the expansion?

It runs a few hours each “night” (midnight to 11am UTC) which results in 4-10k cities being updated each day. This is backed down from a 24/7 schedule, but isn’t too far off from the previous high end throughput.

I’m reviewing the overall code for city updates due to a number of issues. After I get those under control, I’ll review how things stand and look into whether the schedule can be expanded.