Updates on January 15, 2024 (Release 966)

  • :new: Big improvement to the Supporter Features page, including a separate page for each feature that shows how it’s used. I also now show non-Supporters all available features, rather than hiding them. The buttons on the map link out to their respective explanation page to show how it would work if they were a Supporter.
  • :new: Created a new notification for Badge achievements. Everyone is auto-subscribed, but as always each notification can be unsubscribed at the bottom of the email as well as in the Notifications section of your Settings page. Also a friendly reminder that you can reply to any CityStrides email, and your response goes direct to my inbox.
  • :hammer_and_wrench: Changed new signups so they do not auto-subscribe to the Activity Deleted Notification … many people incorrectly perceived this as spam, even with unsubscribe & notification preference links in the bottom of the email … others were generally confused by the email … The option to receive this email is still present, and not going away, it’s just not something that most people want enabled by default.
  • :hammer_and_wrench: Disallow zero-length activities … These were mostly cases where we’d start and quickly stop an activity, not actually tracking any movement.
  • :hammer_and_wrench: Temporarily tried an experiment in giving a 7 day free trial of Supporter Features to new signups
  • :hammer_and_wrench: Upgraded to Mapbox GL JS v3, but then immediately downgraded because some people experienced an issue where the map would disappear after some use
  • :bug: Changed the city update process to exit early if the Overpass server returns data older than 7 days (if this happens, it reverts the last sync date so the city will stay “next in line” in the update queue) … This will help the case where people noticed some updates being reverted weeks/a month later
  • :bug: Fixed up some JavaScript errors
  • :paintbrush: Minor improvements to the mail designs - both new signup onboarding emails as well as in-site notification emails … I still have more work to do here, but it’s definitely Less Bad™
  • :paintbrush: Update the image that appears when sharing CityStrides links in various social media platforms
  • :paintbrush: Minor tweaks in the Settings page
  • :paintbrush: Minor updates to the Badge pages
  • :paintbrush: Minor update in the city stats tab (Supporter Feature)
  • :nerd_face: package updates