Updates on April 26, 2024 (Release 1018)

  • :new: I’ve taken the first steps in moving subscription management out of the CityStrides site and into Stripe’s Customer Portal
    • The Billing section of your Settings page now includes a link out to their site to manage your subscription and payment method
    • I’ve left the old UI in place, just in case there’s some issue with their portal … this will be removed soon & I would greatly appreciate it if you let me know if you had to use this for some reason
    • Prepay billing management will stay in the CityStrides site, because that’s A) much simpler (just a display of remaining months & a link to add more) and B) not supported by their portal
  • :new: Update the “refresh” icon that’s displayed next to the city’s last updated date so that it will spin if the city is currently being updated
  • :hammer_and_wrench: Add some entries to the In The News page
  • :bug: Various bug fixes, mostly around server resiliency & strange responses from MapMyFitness API
  • :nerd_face: Package/language updates