- Added two decimal places to city completion percentage
- Many people were stuck at a certain percentage for a while, and it would take many streets to jump 1% so it was kind of boring to go for run after run and not see any progress change … now you can see more frequent changes because you can improve .01% at a time
- Display background job latency in left navigation menu
- When jobs pile up (usually due to many new signups), it can cause a delay … This delay is now shown to everyone so we’re not sitting around wondering why activities are missing / progress isn’t calculated
- Paginate Striders on City & Street pages
- Load time on some City pages was terrible because there were hundreds of Striders … This change fixes that by paginating Striders
- Updated alerts to be less invasive
- The modal alerts used to grab full screen control, which was very annoying … now they’re up in the top right corner and they don’t grab control
- Navigation improvements
- I really disliked the menu being shoved off behind a button, because it required two clicks/taps to do anything … now the menu is shown all the time
- Mobile view improvements
- The mobile pages used to have a tabbed interface where the map was in one tab and the data was in another tab & now the map is above all the data … I prefer this because there’s interaction between the data and the map (click a street name to see it in the map, for example) which wasn’t possible before
- Minor progress in displaying available features to everyone
- Node Hunter and LifeMap Live weren’t shown at all to people who didn’t have access to those features, which means they wouldn’t know the features even existed … now the features are displayed, but linked to the Become A Supporter page
- Fix in background job system for some weird characters coming from Strava webhooks
- Strava updates CityStrides when activities change (usually it’s the title that changes, but sometimes it’s the privacy level) & some titles included unicode characters that the CityStrides code couldn’t handle … This was a weird one that I couldn’t fix, so I just drop those ‘bad’ unicode characters
- Updated Mapbox to 0.51.0
- Update Rails
Suggestion for ReRun:
Ability to share the animation easily to social media etc
A toggle to hide the route so that it’s revealed at the end. Just something for those of us who like to spell word(s) or draw picture while running.
Interesting ideas!
Do you mean as a gif? Something like “create a gif of this ReRun”?
Would it be enough to change the behavior so that when you click the ReRun button it hides your route, does the animation, then re-displays your route? (I’m unsure if having the animation leave a trail behind it is doable / how difficult it would be)
Yes, a GIF or some movie format is fine. Rerun, the service that I use, have links to share to Facebook, Instagram etc. Essentially it saves the activity as a movie file then upload the movie to the selected social media
Yes, hiding the complete route while tracing it out will do.
You can use https://www.relive.cc for that.
Here’s an example Login • Instagram
Display background job latency in left navigation menu
- When jobs pile up (usually due to many new signups), it can cause a delay … This delay is now shown to everyone so we’re not sitting around wondering why activities are missing / progress isn’t calculated
I’ve noticed that the job delay shown in the left navigation for me is always the same for activities going back at least a month at 15:03:22
. I’d be surprised if your task queueing always had an absolutely identical delay so something seems like it might be off.
Edit: So I think I misunderstood the delay because of the UX. That is a global current delay rather than related to the current activity that I am viewing. This makes it look like the delay is specific to this activity:
Yeah, it’s a global delay … I thought I was helping out with that ‘messaging’ by including the stat regardless of which page you’re on, but I can see how if you’re on an Activity page it would suggest that there’s a connection.
Did you notice that if you hover over it, there’s a message?
That message is also confusing, so I’m really on a roll here!
I’m trying to indicate that there’s roughly a 15 hour 1 minute 46 second delay (in your screen shot) between an Activity being alerted to CityStrides and it being processed (streets progressed/completed) in the site.