OSM has a couple of streets in my town labelled as “Unmaintained Track Roads”. In reality, they are dirt paths on private property. They aren’t legal for me to run.
Is it possible to have CityStrides not count these “unmaintained track roads” as roads to be run?
First one:
W Lakeview Avenue, Lake Mary, FL
Google Street View
Second one:
8th Street, Lake Mary, FL
Google Street View
Also, unrelated: I marked a couple of streets as private in OSM that are in gated communities. How long does it take for those to show up in CityStrides?
Thanks for all your work, I’m enjoying marking roads completed quite a bit.
Tag them as private. Changes to OSM will eventually make it here, but don’t hold your breath. I understand that patience is a virtue.
By the way, are you sure about that first one? None of the signs say private property or no trespassing. Actually, neither does the second one.
You can check the parcel map on the Seminole County Property Appraiser’s web site to see who owns the parcel the mystery road is on. You’ll find that the county, cities, and school board own a lot more of the country than you think. (When I was setting up a balance sheet for the county, I found over a thousand county owned parcels.) And if the parcel isn’t owned, then it’s a road right of way.
I just went to the web site for the first one (ArcGIS Web Application). Luckily the road name was on screen shot.
It’s not a private road. It’s an extension of the right of way that hasn’t been paved yet. If either of the adjacent property owners tell you that you’re on their property (and you’re in line with the paved section behind you) they are wrong. They may be lying, attempting to take public property. What you do about that depends on many factors, including whether they’ve got a gun or a mean dog. You COULD to choose to call either the city or county, depending on whether you’re in the city or the unincorporated county.
I’ve run down several dirt roads and tracks in Deland. They make a nice break from running down cement sidewalks.
A dirtroad is imho also a citytrides street if it’s not private and runnable and has a streetname. If it’s private, tagist so in OSM and for the time being mark the street as manually completed, you won’t run it anyway and hwen the changes from OSM come into CS, this street will be deleted for running anyway.