Streets with the same name show up as one street in Citystrides

Same here where every town and village has a road called High Street.

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A mere 1339 nodes and no one has run all of the High Streets yet? But in all seriousness, start a petition to rename it “Highstreetshire”

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:link: My profile link :

Hello there.

I ran a road on Sunday and saw all nodes were completed, only to find myself at 84% completion. On investigation I have found the road has a sibling some 10miles away going by the same name!

Other than heading over there and running it, what options do we have for separating these roads?

It’s a known issue and, as it stands, will not be fixed.

Deriving what we would consider one street from the Openstreetmap data is non-trivial. I think some sort of proximity check could do the trick, but that’s a more intense calculation than the current approach (which I assume becomes significant once you need to scale it to the 100s of thousands of streets in Citystrides). Heading over there and running it is your only option.

PS: Be sure to search the forum next time, there have been several posts about this in the past.