No, I’m not expecting anything to come of this post; I just thought I’d vent.
This morning I went for a run to a new (to me) subdivision in my city. The outcome of this run was breaking the 30% barrier, so that was cool. However, when I looked at the streets I completed and partially completed, I found two interesting streets:
- Bent Oaks Blvd
- Bent Oaks Boulevard
Yep, you guessed it. OpenStreetMap has an inconsistent street name for this road, which was picked up by CS as two separate streets.
I went to OSM and gave both segments the same name, which means that when the data is updated, the two roads will turn into one. But it was sloppy by whoever put the roads into OSM.
I wonder if it would be possible for the CS database to consider Blvd and Boulevard the same thing. (And St and Street, Ave and Avenue, Ct and Court, etc.) Probably too much trouble to program, given higher priority things, such as relieving the pressure on the Strava API limit and getting the data update project coded. But it would be nice.