@david.krulewich As I recall, @JamesChevalier is using Mapbox only for the visual (displayed) map, not the map used for node detection. This initially confused me, as I saw my OSM edits appear on CS pages, yet the node data, and my collection of said nodes, remained unsuccessful.
However, since James has rolled out the periodic update code, my OSM edits (mostly new streets and streets that are actually private), the missing and “unobtainable” nodes I have found, are now correct in CS.
If you are close to 100% for a city, you might consider adding it to the update requests mentioned in this thread: Now Testing: City street/node updates
PS. Interesting idea about un-marking a street as manually complete. I did a quick search, and it looks like it has been requested. Perhaps with OSM updates rolling out, this feature may become more useful? View "marked as complete"-streets and ability to unmark them
PPS. I did not read the whole of the request thread, but I got the jist that you can un-mark streets as manually complete.