Private Striders

Where have all these Private Striders come from? The ranking in my city has change considerable with lot of Private Striders that weren’t there previously.

They’ve always been here, and we’ve been living a lie around them. Updates on April 30, 2021 (Release 88)


For months I didn’t know I was a private strider - I assumed everything I was doing was equally visible to any one else. I changed it once I realised, but you don’t know what you don’t know…
I was quite happy in my own little bubble. My computer browser always took me to my local city rather than the CityStrides home page, so I’m not sure if that was making me “miss out” on others.
As your position is now displayed in every city (rather than just the percent complete) I guess that will subliminally encourage more people to share their status and ‘claim’ their position. I’d be interested (in a geeky way :nerd_face:) to see how that ratio of open to private striders is now changing

@JamesChevalier Does CityStrides send out reminders to ‘private striders’ to consider making their profile public/visible? I’m 3rd in the city that I’m currently working on, 2nd place is visible/public, but 1st place is private. If the person in 1st place doesn’t realise their profile is private, they might change to visible/public. It would be great to connect to share info, routes etc…

I agree, it’s not at all unlikely that some striders have not realized that they are anonymous!


@ceb3fcf241fa0364ae49 I did have this idea a while back: Ability to message a private strider

I think it would be better if it came from the official citystrides once a quarter or 6 months rather than people who do want to stay private getting messaged occasionally by well-meaning striders.

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@veronica.b My intent, for the above idea, was more to reach out and make contact with a person(s) I might know. It was not my intention to inform Striders of their settings, as until now, I always assumed Striders had them they way they wanted them… But maybe not, so your idea might also be good. :+1:

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