About a year ago I noticed that a lot of streets I had completed were no longer marked as complete. On checking the map there are nodes that are red even though runs go right through them. Reading through other posts I understand this may be due to new nodes being added to OpenStreetMap. Is there anything I can do to fix this other than running them again?
I’m not sure how many streets are affected, but I was on over 80% in Newcastle-under-Lyme, UK, and now it’s down to 73%. Examples are Dimsdale Parade West, Clare Avenue and Bradwell Lane in the screenshot.
This looks really strange! I cannot see why you would have red nodes here when you have run these streets properly. I think we must ask @JamesChevalier if he can understand what has happened
This is really weird… I’m hoping it’s tied to some failed city updates, and not an ongoing issue.
I just queued up all your activities for reprocessing, which will fix things up now. Same for your account, @cvandyk
I’d expect this to take another 5-15 minutes.
Please reply here if you notice nodes being unmarked as complete in the future.
Bummer - I can’t help you without links, though
At least a link to your profile page in CityStrides … ideally also links to the city in question & an example street
Oh sorry about that! I thought the profiles were linked for some reason.
My profile here: Susan - CityStrides
City - Toronto
I took screenshots of a few examples - Centre Ave, Bathurst Street, Yonge street. It just seems to be some randoms nodes on these street that get marked as uncompleted. Appreciate your help
I just reprocessed your activities, but don’t see a change in numbers. Perhaps the fact that you’re in Hard Mode is affecting things. Your account is private (well, it’s per-activity, but none of the activities are shared), so I can’t view things directly to check if these nodes are still marked as unfinished.