Node hunter on other striders' (public) LifeMap

Interesting conundrum - I’m meeting up with another strider tomorrow for a CityStrides run, and wanted to find an area of our city where we can both make progress. However I noticed that when I use Node Hunter on that strider’s LifeMap, the nodes revealed are the ones I haven’t completed, not theirs.

Should we be able to Node Hunter other folks’ LifeMaps? Is there a reason why this is a bad idea that I’m not considering?

Is there any way to see what nodes other striders still need to complete? I can see other people’s lifemaps but not their incomplete nodes. I’m at almost 93% completion for my city and am curious about what remains for other folks with 90%+ of the streets done. I can make educated guesses based on gaps in their maps, but can’t see with certainty.

A similar question was asked here, it looks like, without an answer: