No James City County, Virginia on list of cities

Is there a way to get James City County, Virginia added as a city? It is a county next to the City of Williamsburg which covers most of the Williamsburg area.

(Luke Tompkins - CityStrides)

I typically don’t add counties.
It looks like there are no cities mapped in that county, though, and it doesn’t appear to overlap with any existing cities. Similarly, :thinking: I see York County, Virginia - CityStrides is present & I see the same situation with no cities mapped within it.

I have a Missing/Broken Cities Tracker where I keep track of this work. I’ve added it there, so I’ll probably add this in my next round.

Okay thank you. That would be great since it covers a great amount of the area I live around.

@luketompkins4 Glad you asked for this, I’ve been trying to run every road in the county and it’s been annoying for the streets I’ve run not count since Virginia has very few incorporated cities.