New: Garmin Integration -- Available To EVERYONE

If it is just runs that are not syncing, it is not all runs. As my run synced within seconds again this morning.

I think it’s limited to specific people.

For anyone reading along, and getting to this point in the thread…

I’ve been able to track down a notification for one of the activities that didn’t make it into CityStrides. So Garmin is alerting me of these activities. Something is happening after receiving the notification. I’m hunting that down now.

I’ve added some extra logging to indicate when I skip a Garmin activity. It should only do this for activities with no user (I’ve seen some weird stuff), or non-running/walking activities. This will tell me if I’m mistakenly skipping activities.

If you have a missed activity, please share the Garmin URL for it and your CityStrides profile link here, it’ll help me search logs.

I’ll write again when I have more info, or need further tests. :+1:


Anyone looking for a work around to still get their run in, manually import it into RunKeeper or MapMyFitness until the bug is fixed.

On that note here is a hiking activity yesterday that didn’t make it if it will help @JamesChevalier, not sure if this is before or after your extra logging.


HI James - my walk and run this morning did not sync into CS, but they did yesterday just fine. Here are the Garmin URLs for today’s activities.

Garmin sync worked great yesterday. Thanks for making this feature!

Yesterday’s run (Garmin Connect) still has not synced, but today’s run (Garmin Connect) synced very quickly.

The un-synced activity is a “trail run” and the one that worked well is a “run”.

As a follow up, my run this morning sync’d to CS very quickly, but yesterday’s has still not gone through from Garmin. Both were tagged as “run” in garmin connect. Here’s the one that didn’t sync:
(this is not an issue from my lifemap as it came through from runkeeper by the end of the day)

Hi James,

Thank you for integrating Garmin so quickly!

I have recorded 2 runs on Garmin, the first took 5-7 hours to sync. The most recent has not synced with CS yet (~18 hours after I recorded it), the URL for the un-synced activity is below: (Garmin Connect)


That’s interesting! I’ve had the impression so far that notifications were very fast.

Does that place this missing activity as one created on April 25th?

Yes! That’s correct. The missing run was recorded yesterday. @JamesChevalier

Synced my first Garmin activity today, within seconds of it uploading into Garmin is was at CS!!
hysterically enough, the Garmin to Strava sync took about 2 minutes today

Most recent run that didnt go through.

Shucks. Looks like this affected my recent run too. 1st run couple days ago was in CS almost instantaneously. Yesterday’s not so much.

[Edit] CS profile - Marty - CityStrides

Thanks for sharing.

Quick update:
I’ve got a message into Garmin support about the missing notifications, along with a collection of activities that I wasn’t notified about. I expect to hear from them sometime today - they’re quite fast.

I expect these missing activities can be retrieved from Garmin through their ‘backfill’ endpoint. They estimated I’d have access to that sometime this week. So, even though they’re missing now - I don’t expect they’ll stay missing.

For anyone else experiencing this issue of Garmin activities not syncing into CityStrides, please continue to share a link to the Garmin activity and a link to your CityStrides profile.

yesterday Garmin route did not sync

Posting here to consolidate information for you:


Missing Activity

Hello, thanks for getting the Garmin integration set up!

I have done two runs over the weekend that haven’t shown up, even though my April 24th run (also through Garmin) synced nearly instantaneously

Thanks for looking into it!

Friday was instant. Yesterdays was not: