I actually meant from a new activity being complete until it gets to CS?
My test activities this morning have synced in between 5 and 7 hours.
Just waiting for my actually activity this afternoon.
Thanks again for the implementation
Just saw the reply to the same question asked by someone else 1 minute before me. Apologies.
No problem at all - nothing that is earth-shattering. All beginnings are hard - in half a year everyone will be using Garmin Connect and just assume that it works. But we were already there at the beginning! All good - you are doing a great job!
I got an error when I first tried signing in, but now was able to connect. However it is showing as paused and when I click on the Garmin Connection, I get this error:
Came in from a run. Got a cup of water. Garmin chimed for the download.
Finished water. Ate half a cookie (a purple yam cookie from Washington State).
Walked back to computer and the Garmin activity was there, in all it’s glory!
But dammit, I missed 3 streets (in my target area), so need to hit that area again.
Yet one more person saying that it works fine. I’m pretty sure it took less than five seconds from the time that Garmin Connect got the activity before it showed up here.
I’ll chime in as a party pooper, I haven’t had one of my runs sync from Garmin yet. I paused Strava and MMR and was relatively patient this morning after my run, but when it failed to sync for a couple hours I unpaused everything and MMR was the first to sync (I’ve since re-paused Strava to keep the API calls down). Yesterday’s run after linking Garmin didn’t sync either.
Hi @JamesChevalier, I synced about 50 min ago and not seeing anything yet. I mention it largely because it seemed immediate for others. If a delay is expected I will just be patient. Thanks!
From 5 to 7 hours yesterday morning down to within half an hour for me this morning, I don’t know exactly as I didn’t check until after I showered, expecting it to take a little while.
This is excellent.
Thanks again James.
my first true garmin run synced this morning. super fast. was already in CS by the time i drove home. very nice.
Im still missing my morning run from yesterday though, it was through strava before i connected garmin and paused strava. im guessing that may be why. i tried a few manual single strava activity syncs but its not even in the queue still (at least visible). Can i send you the strava link to force it through @JamesChevalier ? otherwise it all seems to be working quite well.
Have the same issue. Run syncd from watch to garmin connect a few hours ago but still not in CS. Oddly my post run cool down walk is showing up in CS from garmin just not my actual run…
Brian, I’m seeing the same behavior. Walks go through but runs and hikes do not. James told me he needed to contact Garmin support so he is working on it.