I’m wondering why there is functionality to manually complete streets. I mean, I get some streets can really not be ran, but I prefer you can flag them or vote those away or something. In my city (The Hague, The Netherlands), the number two is completing a lot of streets manually (?) whereas I, number 3, have not completed any street manually at all.
I think there are several reasons, although I would never manually complete a street, and hate the feature:
You might run the street (say, downtown) but the GPS is WAY off, and you miss nodes. I’ve had this happen to me. (Yes, I would simply re-run it.)
Many streets are on private property. The last city I was running had many that continued into private property. Not everyone would have a clue how to correctly fix that in OpenStreetMaps.
Hi Tjibbe, if you have places that are unaccesable, you should change this in OSM. This site will have regular updates fomr osm. so in time you don’t need to set manual completion.
And if someone else is doing that in your city (on accessable roard). Their are cheating and mostly cheating on themselves.
ps: let me know if you need help on those osm changes
It’s simple. Its not a runnable street. Could be a fake street, private street, highway or whatever.
If the GPS was wrong and I missed nodes I would also rerun it (like Mitch) but I can see people not wanting to do that. To each their own. Some people are in hard mode some aren’t. People here do get a bit judgey about things.
I used to manually mark streets because I have no interest in trying to figure out how to edit OSM. I don’t think that should be a prerequisite of getting a city 100% done. I have since switched to hard mode because we have a local runner that loves editing OSM and we have a local facebook group and send him the bad streets to update. Not everyone is so lucky!
I’ve just done this. I had completed 100% of Richmond upon Thames when an update added one node to a road I had walked.
I might also use it for nodes that are temporarily, but long-term, unavailable due to construction works that have closed part of the road. Got one of these now in Chiswick, London.
Another possibility, although this probably applies to a vanishingly small number of users, is that they’re running without a GPS device and they’re manually keeping track of which streets they’ve run.
I use the manually complete street option when a street is grossly incorrect and I’m unable to complete it due to it being a driveway, something private, or not existing as drawn. I then edit it in OpenStreetMap for accuracy and wait for CityStrides to pull in the updated streets. I like to use this feature because it helps me as I’m tracking towards completion of the city/town.
If it’s helpful for you/others, the regular city updates should automatically change these from manually completed streets into actual completed streets by associating them with the newest activity if the OSM edit caused the street to be Actually Complete™.