Logged-In Homepage Update


The most helpful thing for me is to know what you (or anyone reading this that’s about to post a reply) regularly do & expect to see within CityStrides. So far I’m hearing:

  • Link to LifeMap
  • Completed activities
  • City percentages
  • Challenge list
  • Street rank
    • I’m not entirely sure what this means

Yes I think that makes sense, here are more detailed thoughts on some of them:

  • Completed activities - The most recent 2-6 is probably adequate with a link next to them to see them all (an activities page which is basically the profile page now)
  • City Percentages - Ideally this would list your “Favorite” cities. Let me elaborate, right now I show some random city from Delaware that I have 70% on that is small that I will never finish because I will never be in that area again. Also once I finish a city I don’t need to see it in my default view anymore.
    However I am interested in seeing the cities I’m currently working on: Colonie, Waterford, Troy, Clifton Park, Halfmoon and some other local areas prominently. If its a new user and they havent set up favorites it could default to the current view. A user could toggle between seeing their favorites and the current implementation.
  • Street rank could be similar to Strava distance challenge. Right now you show the top 4 people of the week and month. Maybe to save some space just show what number your ranking is (33rd out of 11,000 users) instead with a link to the full list of leaders.
  • Friend activities - Looks like you are implementing friends at some point. I would find someway to integrate this on the homepage for a snapshot then a link to another page for more. I guess this would evolve based on how or what you are doing for that

My saved link is my profile page, since that has much of what I need to see when I first visit on it:

  1. My most recent activities
  2. My personal city progress

I would love to see:

  • Friends most recent activities
  • Challenge status

Those are the most probably features I would use