Lifemap rerun improvements - make more like a video interface?

Are there any plans in the works to tweak or improve lifemap rerun? It’s something with a lot of potential but not a ton of utility as is, at least for me…whenever I click it my activities speed by so quickly I can’t really appreciate the change. It would be nice if there was a progress bar with a slider - like for a streaming video, with the axis being first → final activity. Further making it like a video interface, on my wishlist would be a speed control. If the default speed was slower, you could add another slider to make replay it slower or faster. Finally, I’d also suggest adding a play/pause button near the sliders so we can have greater temporal control over the stages of lifemap filling in.

The current LifeMap ReRun is pretty dumb. :sweat_smile: It hides all your activities, then iterates over them all (sorted by start time) at a rate of 50ms per activity, showing each one & updating the displayed text as it goes.

  • Add the ability to adjust playback speed
  • Add the ability to pause/resume the animation
  • Add a slider that allows you to drag to a particular point in time
  • Bonus Points™ for animating the slider during the playback

This all seems possible. I think the main hurdle will be designing things so it doesn’t look like a dumpster fire. :grimacing:


I love this idea! I’ve been thinking the same as @kevincharlespels, the animation is way too fast!
Another possible addition could be a “colour by” feature, where the activity colours cycle by month or year. This would add a nice structure to the lifemap as it builds up. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I just recorded my lifemap the other day to send to a friend using a screen capture (you could use snagit on your PC or the screen recorder app built into Android to do this). Once in video format I could pause or change the playback speed if I wanted. Maybe a workaround for you if you’re looking to do some sort of analysis of your timeline that you can’t do with the current interface.


First off I love this feature. I think I’m the one that suggested it originally. Some thoughts.

  • Make the playback take the filters you have into account. If I have it filtered for 2022, then don’t show the whole timeline just the playback of the filter range.
  • Pause/Stop/Reset Buttons: Once the thing is going there is no stopping it…wait until its done or refresh the page
  • Speed button: Would be fantastic to speed up or slow this down
  • Easier methods or sharing this on say social media. I think when I originally suggested it I thought it would be a great way for people to share their accomplishments with people bringing more exposure.

Throw your vote in here: Lifemap rerun improvements - make more like a video interface?

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I just came to start a thread on the rerun feature, but I guess I can piggyback on this one. What I would specifically like is the ability to have it only display runs/walks that added at least one new street. I have been going out once or twice a day since November 2017, but only started collecting streets seriously in mid-2021, so the rerun up until that time is quite dull, but if I do it to exclude that time, it means that a lot of streets don’t show up, as I covered a fair few even before I was intending to do so.

As I have only a tenuous grasp of how it is created, I have no idea whether this is plausibly doable, but that would be very useful to me.

I would second the idea to make it more easy to share. I have done this before by using a screen capture add-in to record it playing on my screen and then sharing the resulting file, but I suspect that is a lot of faff for some people.