Issue when activity includes a street that spans 2 cities

I’ve noticed that when a street spans 2 different cities and I complete both sections of it in a single activity it is only marked as complete in one of the cities. In this activity for example Michael Coleman's Activity on October 9, 2020 - CityStrides Taw Drive is included in Test Valley, and has been marked as complete. The part of Taw Drive that is in Eastleigh however appears on the progressed view despite the fact that if I “go” to it I can see that I am shown as having completed 100% of the nodes. If I go to the Eastleigh City view I can see Taw Drive listed in my incomplete streets but here also if I click on the details I see that I have completed all of the nodes.

This is because of an early bug with the city update code.

Viewing Taw Drive in Test Valley, England - CityStrides it states that there are 51 nodes. I didn’t count, but it looks like it could be correct.
Viewing Taw Drive in Eastleigh, England - CityStrides it states that there are 38 nodes. There are really only 5.

The calculation of whether or not you complete a street is based on that number. Since it’s so wrong, it’s not marking the street as complete.

The next city update should sort this all out. I don’t really have a sense of how frequently these updates will run, but my current guess is roughly monthly.

Thanks for the explanation James. I’ll look forward to the bonus extra completion in Eastleigh when the next city update is processed.

I’m greatly enjoying using the site - there is something deeply satisfying about seeing a new line appear on the map after posting an activity and having a few more streets move to the completed column.

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