I’ve only gone and done it – Sheffield 🇬🇧 100%

This has been a fantastic journey, so here’s a few facts to help join the bits together.

I always ran, 100 yards at school, then 10ks, half and full marathons, then fell running. Sheffield is on the boundary of the Peak District so I ran local, village fell races, then I did many of the classics - Ennerdale, Wasdale, Duddon valley, Langdale, Borrowdale, Isle of Jura, Ben Nevis, Snowdon, &c. In 1996 I became Bob Graham Club member 996 after completing the 66 mile (106km), 42 Lake District Peaks, 8,200m ascent route in 23hr 13min.

This bit is relevant - Sheffield Town Trust is a charity formed in 1297. For ~600 years it made Sheffield into what it is today, before that became the responsibility of the Council. Sheffield Town Trust now makes grants to charitable organisations within the city boundary, I am a Town Trustee.

I’ve used RunKeeper since 2012, in 2021 my daughter, Jo, told me about CityStrides so I signed up. You know that feeling when the map starts loading up your old activities – :open_mouth: this is brilliant - look what I’ve done - look how much more there is to do!

I decided to walk the remaining thousands of roads and streets of Sheffield by walking to the area or using public bus, tram or railway and then walking.

Armed with map, compass and pensioner’s travel pass I started the project and learned more about my hometown than I had in the previous 60+ years.

The names of Britain’s major rivers are amongst the oldest words in our language. The Don (pronounced and spelt as The Dun well into the eighteenth century) is one of the river names that is pre-Celtic in origin, going back far into the pre-history period – I walked Dun Fields, Dun Street, Dun Lane and I understood the name. Spital Hill – it used to have a hospital on it, Norfolk Row – the Duke of Norfolk family, Arundel Gate – the Earl of Arundel, Leopold Street – Queen Victoria’s son Prince Leopold visited Sheffield. Furnace Hill, Blast Lane, Smith Street, Bessemer Lane, Cupola, - steelmaking connections, and so it goes on ……

I followed postal workers through codelocked gates, nipped in behind cars, slipped over walls at night, climbed security fencing or put Hi-Viz & riggers on to walk through construction sites, the numbers left to complete were disappearing.

Gradually, I moved up the leaderboard, I think there were about 150 ahead of me in 2021 – this is important to you – see footnote.

For an area ~12 miles from home, I took a bus to town then a train to the target and knocked around 65 roads off, then rail and bus back home – obv rehydrating at a pub before leaving the area.

Final Street: Which one will it be, I was down to a handful. I had passed one many times, Love Street. I had seen it and thought about completing it a few times, but there were demolition works happening, I put it to one side, then I saw serious hoardings being put up and it was out of reach and it was my last street :angry:

I emailed the PR department of the construction company – no response. I emailed a Director of the company – no response. I wrote to the Chairman of the company – a guy phoned me two days later with “I’ve been told to contact you”, he was the Project Manager.

They became keen on allowing me access when I talked it through with them, they were even more interested when the BBC contacted them to say they wanted to film it. Unbeknown to me, Jo had told the BBC about CityStrides.

Finally, on 9th February I completed my 6,388th Sheffield road - Love Street

Completion took 1,011 activities to finish, totalling an astonishing 6,680 miles (10,752.89km)

I ordered a printed map upon completion – it is absolutely superb – you should do this.

Huge thanks to @JamesChevalier – how Jim sorts this out is beyond me, I tried listening to a podcast with him talking, but it think he was speaking in code! Also, thanks to @hans1 for sorting things like incorrect nodes, inaccessible areas and removing a farm track from the map that I was chased off from by a farmer & his dog!

It’s a strange feeling now the target has been reached, the usual question from people is “what next?” and my answer was a 70km walk with family & friends on my 70th birthday which I completed last week, followed at the weekend with a party in the Bath Hotel, an unusually complete Sheffield corner house public house retaining the original 1931 plan & fittings - and :beer:

Safe Striding folks,

Jim Fulton V70


As I worked my way up the leaderboard towards 1st place I watched the progress of others near me, I could see their percentage completed, so was not worried as my nearest rival, a private Strider, in 2nd place was on 53% - or so I thought!

Following the day I completed someone appeared out of nowhere into 2nd place on 92.6%. I can only guess they (IMHO sneakily) had been attempting to pip me to the post without me knowing their intentions.


That’s really impressive, Jim! Well done, and I’m glad I could be of assistance :grin:
Regarding the recent nr 2 runner, I can see he joined Citystrides just last week, that’s why you haven’t seen him before!


Thanks for that elaborate writig. It’s a pleasure reading it. We in this community almost all know this feeling. Congrats in acomplishing this! :birthday: :clinking_glasses:


Congrats Jim, love the narrative and color, and as for future endeavors, looks like you have plenty of map to fill to your south and east! Happy striding.

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Fantastic achievement and lovely reading your post to see a bit of the story behind it - thanks for sharing

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Congrats, Jim, and thanks for sharing your great recap! Nicely captures the ins and outs of the entire endeavor!

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So have BBC aired it?

They sure have - and I’ve just received permission for it to be posted on here. Completely beyond me (obviously), but Jim C has a copy - so watch this space for my 2 minutes of fame!


Congratulations on the achievement and thanks for the write-up, always interesting to see how others approach the challenge. I never thought of grabbing a high Viz jacket for construction sites, that’s an excellent idea!

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Amazing ! Well done Jim

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Glad you’ve finished! It’s been great hearing your adventures along the way.

There’s always things to see when out and about. Roads with your name on, clever graffiti to change road names to rude words, old advertising paintwork or even simple graffiti that makes you smile.

Well done dad!


You’re a star favourite (only) daughter - great to see another generation after us on the fields today, Dad x :running_woman:t2::heart:

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Fantastic achievement Jim, I appreciate how big and hilly Sheffield is. I’m currently working through Rotherham and I’ve been keeping an eye on the other South Yorkshire leader boards, and wondered when you might finish Sheffield, so good to see you have.


Congratulations! What an awesome accomplishment. Very much enjoyed your story. Keep on striding!

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Thanks Steve, I don’t often stray into Rotherham, except when I’ve followed the canal through there to Donny for a train back to Sheff. I completed my 21st Rotherham Harriers round Rotherham last October, have you done that? Jim

Awesome story Jim, thanks for sharing, and what an achievement! 10,000k!!

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No Jim I haven’t, but it’s on my list of things to do.

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