I connected the wrong Runkeeper account

I cannot seem to disconnect it to connect my actual account

Here’s the complete set of steps to fully correct this issue:

  • Log out of CityStrides
  • Log out of Runkeeper
  • Log into Runkeeper via the ‘wrong’ account
  • Visit https://runkeeper.com/settings/apps
  • Click the “Remove Application” link for CityStrides
    • remember, this will delete this account’s data from CityStrides so only do this if you want that data deleted from CityStrides
  • Optionally: You can go through whatever steps Runkeeper has to fully delete this wrong account in their service, in order to avoid putting yourself into this situation again in the future
  • Log out of Runkeeper
  • Log into Runkeeper via the ‘right’ account
  • Log into CityStrides via Runkeeper